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This email attachment was sent out to the athletic department outlining the requirements for student practicums. Allowing the facility the opportunity to volunteer to help with the student assignment. 

This is an example of a study guide made before a review day in class to be able to carry out our review game that the students enjoyed. Questions were based off the test. 

This is the manuscript that I reviewed and updated the citations from APA to Chicago style for Dr. Tiell as my very first task. 

This is a Kahoot that was created as a review game for one of the courses. The students asked for a different review game for the test this is about so this was created. 

There are other projects that can not be uploaded. These projects include different rubrics that were created and filled out with students grades. Also tests that had to be reformatted so it they could be converted into online tests for easier test days.  While these projects are just as important as the ones above they can not be uploaded. 


Other activities included working security at the Browns games. There is a picture above from the night our group got to work on the field. Also the MSBC is a business conference that is solely about the sports industry.  A picture from the conference is also above.

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