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1. What strengths did you bring to your mentorship/internship?

Coming into my mentorship I felt way in over my head. The one thing I knew I did bring to the table was that I had taken the courses we were teaching myself just the year before. Know how the course was going to be run and what to expect for the most part going in definitely helped. I also brought the fact that even though this experience was not one that I would have seen myself doing I am always willing to learn and gain from this experience.  


2. What were your major weaknesses?  What personal qualities could you have improved during your experience?

One of my biggest weaknesses was my public speaking. Being that my mentorship is Teaching Assistant speaking in front of people is required almost everyday. This skill has been deeply improved over my time with Dr. Tiell being her TA. I am now way more comfortable speaking in front of people I have seen the way it has improved myself in other settings already in certain situations. Another weakness was not having the understanding of the importance of this role in the beginning. While I knew that this was an important role I did not care and have the understanding for the role like Dr. Tiell did. She taught me throughout the school year the importance and I am greatly thankful to have this. understanding now.  

3. Do you feel you adequately satisfied the duties expected of you by the sponsoring organization?  Why or why not?

Yes I believe that I satisfied the duties that Dr, Tiell presented me with over the school year. She challenged me throughout the semester with various responsibilities ranging from grading to lesson plans to lecturing one of the courses per semester. Dr. Tiell and I also got the opportunity to build our personal relationship through this experience. 

4.  Do you feel you adequately satisfied the time requirements (150/200 clock hours) of the internship?


5.  What helpful suggestions would you make to future interns/mentees in your position?

Take the step outside your comfort zone in the long run you will appreciate it more than if you don't take the jump. Time management is a huge thing. I know we always hear this with opportunities like these but honestly time is one of the hardest things to manage sometimes. 

6.  What did you gain from your experience?  How will this experience help you when you leave Tiffin University?

I have gained many things from this experience. I have expanded my knowledge from the course materials. Learned to balance both my own course load along with my responsibilities that I was given from Dr. Tiell. I learned the art of balancing guidance and independence, fostering student engagement and growth. Effective communication and adaptability were key in addressing diverse learning styles. The experience enhanced my own knowledge and provided invaluable insights into the teaching-learning process.

7.  What overall grade do you feel you earned through your mentorship/internship experience?  Justify your response.

I personally believe that I deserve a B. While I know I have shown A material work in the work that is provided I fell short in some areas of this project. I did not journal throughout my mentorship experience because I got caught up in life and lost focus. I never caught back up and it has shown in this website project. But I can not change that and that too is a learning experience for me in itself. While I know I am capable for A quality work I fell short of those requirement this time. But I now have another experience under my belt to help me improve so this does not happen again. 

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